The malicious or irresponsible use of drones in the vicinity of an airport can cause serious economic, security and safety impacts but, unlike those who cause the hazard, airports must equally maintain safety, minimise impact on other stakeholders and consider commercial constraints.
Recent events have shown that airports need to develop an effective, proportionate and integrated solution to this challenge. The relative lack of technical maturity of the Counter Drone market presents additional challenges to airports, reinforcing the importance of selecting solutions in a structured and considered manner. However, a structured approach should not delay the delivery of what must be considered a time critical capability. To that end, Osprey is currently working with a number of airports and ANSP’s to deliver counter drone solutions in a structured yet accelerated time-scale.
Osprey believe that while there exists some essential fundamental principles, their application needs to be flexible and responsive. Already having developed a thorough understanding of the potential purposes of such systems, the environment in which they will operate and the likely requirements allows us to move swiftly to an abbreviated but nevertheless robust acquisition phase. Importantly, the investment in such activities will pay dividends in the subsequent Entry into Service Phase, thereby giving airports a credible and cost effective capability.