Osprey helps deliver Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Extension Projects (SEP & DEP) providing strategic advice and delivering technical assessment
Osprey Consulting Services Ltd (Osprey) has been supporting Royal Haskoning DHV, consulting engineers (one of the leading providers of services to the offshore wind energy sector) in the delivery of the Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Extension Projects’ Development Consent Order (DCO) application on behalf of Equinor (one of Europe’s leading offshore windfarm developers). Submission of the DCO application to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) was made in September 2022 and the PINS Examination closed on 17 July 2023. Civil and Military Aviation was one of the principal issues considered during the examination. Over a period of three months the Examining Authority (ExA) compiled a report, with its recommendation to the Secretary of State (SoS). The SoS then had three months (subsequently extended to six months) over the winter 2023/24 in which to make a decision on the application.
We are delighted to announce that the SoS, on 17 April 2024, granted development consent for SEP and DEP.
This is a tremendous milestone for the Projects and a testament to all the hard work put in by the whole project team over the last six years. This is the first time in the UK that two offshore wind projects under separate ownership have been awarded consent under a shared application.
As lead aviation consultants, Osprey has provided strategic advice and delivered technical assessments which included radar line of sight analysis, Instrument Flight Procedure (IFP) analysis, stakeholder liaison strategy, engagement and management, mitigation options analysis, preparation of the Technical Report, analysis of the onshore cable route, and input to the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for aviation for inclusion in the Environmental Statement (ES). Osprey also provided relevant support through the DCO examination process for these Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP).Â
SEP & DEP will be located approximately 15.8 and 26.5 kilometres (km), respectively, off the North Norfolk coast within the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), in an offshore area of up to 212 km2.
SEP and DEP will double the capacity of the existing Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon wind farms, providing renewable energy to power an additional 785,000 UK homes and making an important contribution to the UK’s decarbonisation goals. Currently, the combined output of Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon wind farms is sufficient to power around 710,000 UK homes, and the proposed extensions will increase that to nearly 1.5 million UK households.
If you would like help with your project, please contact us via email: enquiries@ospreycsl.co.uk