
Office 21
Think Tank
Ruston Way


Bristol & Bath Science Park
Dirac Crescent
Emersons Green
BS16 7FR

Introducing Osprey KIDS


Message from Jon Arden, Managing Director

Like every business out there, this isn’t what Osprey had planned for 2020.  Unfortunately, from time to time, life has a habit of reminding us that we’re not really in charge. Home working is not unusual for our staff so we have seen little impact in our working life. We are a strong business with outstanding clients and the past week has only strengthened that view. 

For those soon to join us, we can see that the current situation will not last forever. We remain committed to our growth targets and will need you, so don’t worry all recruitment offers stand. 

We recognise the impact the current situation is having on our sector.  We are in this together and stand ready to help where needed, particularly for our friends, colleagues and clients in the airport sector, where the impact has been so greatly felt. This is the ‘new normal’, but soon it will pass and we will all move on to challenging but happier times. For now though, I reiterate, if Osprey can help then we will.

So, we felt the need to do something that might help, in a way that might put a smile back on some faces. As a family-orientated business we recognise that can be achieved both directly and indirectly. Our marketing team, led by our BD Director, have therefore been ’isolated’ developing something just a little different from the day job. I’m delighted to be able to unveil Osprey KIDS, a standalone website hosted within the Osprey website. 

Whilst not exclusively for families within the aviation industry, Osprey KIDS recognises that many of you are currently at home with your children. The site aims to offer some STEM based fun that everyone can get their teeth into.  We will keep the site fresh, indeed we’ve appointed a full time Project Manager. There are prizes for the best submissions we receive (note: Some of you have jobs/contacts that are prize worthy, feel free to contact us with offers) and we’ll be giving away plenty of book and cinema tokens – for home delivery of course! We’ll be linking to other providers, if you know someone we don’t then again get in touch.

Finally, share, share and share, let’s show the next generation how exciting aviation is! Enjoy folks and remember, keep safe and look after your families.  

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