To mark #INWED21 and the amazing work of women engineers around the world, we asked Lindsay Perks, Business Unit Leader – Energy & Environment, to share her story and explain how her engineering skills are making a difference in the renewables industry and...
Energy and Environment
Osprey delivers aviation lighting variation study for the Clashindarroch II Onshore Wind Farm Development
When planning a new tall structure such as an onshore wind farm, rigorous safety standards have to be met to ensure the safety of air traffic. Aviation regulations require Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) over a certain height (typically at or above a tip height of 150...
Osprey awarded new contract to conduct feasibility study on the installation of solar panels at an airfield
Osprey, a tpgroup company, has been awarded a new contract to conduct a feasibility study to identify the aviation implications of the installation of solar panels at an airfield in Wales. The installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on airport sites helps...
The Wind Workforce
The development of wind energy will be a key part of the UK’s green economic recovery, as signalled by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. To enable the industry to meet such ambitious targets, it will take thousands of people to work together, up and down the country...
Celebrating the UK Wind Industry
Osprey is powering up with a renewed focus on green energy through the formation of a dedicated Energy & Environment Team. While the business unit is new, Osprey is already firmly established in the renewable energy sector having built a reputation for excellence...
Neart na Gaoithe Wind Farm enters the first phase of offshore construction
Scottish offshore wind farm Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) has recently entered the first phase of offshore construction just off the Fife coast. EDF Renewables UK acquired the project in May 2018. Irish energy company ESB took a 50% stake in the project in November 2019 to...
Neart na Gaoithe Wind Farm enters the first phase of offshore construction
Scottish offshore wind farm Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) has recently entered the first phase of offshore construction just off the Fife coast. EDF Renewables UK acquired the project in May 2018. Irish energy company ESB took a 50% stake in the project in November 2019 to...
I have been exceptionally pleased with the manner that Osprey have supported the Operator Training Delivery. The response to requests for support particularly with a programme which has fluid timelines and often required last minute changes or short notice requests...