A major licensed airport approached Osprey to assist with developing a package to safeguard its operation in regards to potential obstructions and ensure safe continuation of flight operations within the Airport’s vicinity.
In response to significant proposed development within proximity of the Airport, it was necessary to review their existing ATC Safeguarding Maps and to produce a Safeguarding Package to fully capture their updated requirements.
Business Need
The Airport wished to enhance the safeguarding assessment process of an extensive numbers of planning applications, whilst preserving safe and efficient aircraft operations.
Our Role
Osprey worked with the Airport to confirm the current CAA defined safeguarded Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS) and facilitated the identification of key operational areas, where strict restrictions on obstacle development are required. Less critical parts of airspace were further identified, where isolated developments may be possible with appropriate mitigation.
Osprey delivered a Safeguarding Package which comprised of OLS safeguarding criteria, incorporating the published Instrument Flight Procedures (IFPs) and identifying the Airport’s Operationally Critical Areas.
The Outcome
The Safeguarding Package delivered to the Airport has facilitated the assessment of potential impacts of proposed local developments. The Safeguarding Package has reduced the resource and time needed to identify the likelihood of a possible impact on flight operations and aided in the consultation process.