Osprey prides itself on the demonstrable experience of both large and small-scale procurement within the aviation domain, activities which are much more than just buying something. The procurement of equipment and services should not be treated as a standard ‘off-the-shelf’ task; every organisation is different, with varying aims for efficiency and approach to risk. Our team will listen to your needs and, following a best practice systems-engineering approach, design a procurement activity that cascades requirements to specific work packages, adds value to the process, reduces the risk of challenge or failure, and delivers a fit-for-purpose solution.
Osprey’s procurement assistance has seen the delivery of all types of Communication, Navigation, and Surveillance (CNS) equipment, the development of Air Traffic Control (ATC) facilities and centers, the procurement of aircraft and supporting systems, the provision of data and communication services, the selection of suppliers for airport development activities such as runway refurbishment, and the competition of air navigation services. Osprey has a firm understanding of the procurement processes, both in the civil and military sectors, with activities linked to required processes and customer-mandated gateways.
Whether it be procurement advice, assistance to provide additional resources, or a fully managed service, Osprey can deliver the value and reassurance that procurement activities will align with legal and regulatory requirements and deliver quality on time and within budget. In Osprey’s experience, the cost of this expert procurement assistance delivers a robust return on investment, as supported by the positive testimonials of our valued clients and the level of repeat business.